Thursday, August 12, 2010

Getting Sound Through Computer Speakers from the Microphone

If you want your computer microphone to play sound through the computer speakers you can try techarena.

However, if you have a newer version of sound software this may not work. I have a Dell computer with Realtek sound software. I tried following the instructions on the above site but my software doesn't have an "options" tab.

There is a way:

1. Go to the Start menu and enter "regedit" in the start search window.

3. Navigate through the registry by using the folder + signs in the left pane to get to this location:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Cl ass\{4D36E96C-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0000\Settings\

7. Right click on "ForceDisableJD".

8. Left click "Modify".

9. In the 'Value data' box, add 01 to the existing 0000 to make it "0000 01". If you have "0000 00" change it to "0000 01" then click OK.

10. Exit the Registry and restart the computer.

11. After restart, right click the sound program tray icon. Left click "Audio Devices". Right click "Speakers". Left click "Properties". Left click "levels" tab. Move "Microphone" and "FrontMic" markers to the right on the slide control.

12. Click "OK".

You are ready to speak into the microphone and hear the sound from the computer speakers.

Turn up the volume and away you go.

Happy computing.

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