Friday, September 25, 2009

Give up on RSS Feedreader PHP - It Will Not Work!

Feedreader has been giving out useless PHP "scripts" for months. The conclusion has been reached by all - that it simply does not work!

Rssfeedreader told me to do this,

"Please create a php5.ini file and set allow_url_include,register_globals ON. Currently they are OFF in php configuration. You can create php5.ini by yourself. But the best way is to contact your host support."

My host support refused to do this because of security reasons. I suggest that RSSfeedreader changes the way its system operates. It can do this, or people will ignore their site!

If you really want RSSfeedreader php script to work go here,

How to Make RSSfeedreader PHP "scipt" Work on Your Server

Include PHP works okay. So I would advise people to go to that site. But remember if you use their newer version you can only have 10 PHP "Scripts" before you are shut out. They expect you to pay a yearly fee to have more. You can use their basic version as many times as you like and to be honest, the output is quite good for most websites.

The Include site can be a bit confusing. Their basic PHP scripts are at the bottom of the Home page. You will have to scroll down or you will not see it. Just enter the XML or RSS address of the feed you want on your webpage. Choose the three color options (that is enough) choose the width, usually 900, then click "create HTML".

If you want to use the newer version register an email address with them. Wait, then click on the register url in the email you get. *Go the Include site click the button. Then on the new page that comes up click "Create A New RSSbox". Another page will appear: click "Create this RSSbox" in the "Simple Vertical List" square.

There is a problem: after you put your rss/xml address in and edit, save, then preview your feed you will be asked to login. When you do you will have to go through all the above again (from*). Then you will get your PHP script.

Save this PHP script in notepad. Then save it as "rssfeedyourfilename.php" into a folder on your computer. Go to that folder and you will see the file as "rssfeedyourfilename.php.txt". Right click on the file. Choose "Rename". Get rid of ".txt".

Save the "rssfeedyourfilename.php" file into the main folder on your website server with an FTP program.

To make it work add this address to the HTML of your webpage where you want the feed to show:

Save your website HTML , for example "index.html", to the main folder on your server with an FTP program.


You will have to create a file on your computer. Open notepad and write these two lines on the left side of the page,

"AddHandler server-parsed .htm
AddHandler server-parsed .html"

without the quotation marks.

Save it as ".htaccess" into a folder on your computer. It will save as ".access.txt. Your computer will not allow you to remove the "".txt" because the file begins with a dot.

You have to open your FTP program and load the file into the main directory of your website server. In the right column, "your /public_html/" directory, right click on the ".access.txt" file. Choose "rename" and remove the ".txt.

Your computer is now set to run PHP.

It will work!
Happy Webbing.

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