There is an easy way to stop getting the,
"Get to Google faster. Update your default search engine. Sure. No thanks."
message at the top of the Google start page.
A lot of old stuff still exists out there. There is an ancient URL for Google that was once used to get to iGoogle. This URL can be modified to your region and the "Get to Google faster" nuisance message does not appear.
As an example the usual URL for Google Australia is "". The nuisance nag always shows at the top of the Google page when I start Internet Explorer.
If I use the URL "" as the start page the nag message does not appear, but the normal Google au search page appears.
Just modify the URL for your region.
If you are in the uk use the URL "".
No need to download Adblock 1.3.10. and enter "##DIV#mgmhppd" as a new filter rule.
Just use the URL as set out above.
There we have it.
Happy Interneting
Internet by Ty Buchanan